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Loop Connections
All models of the BSR-100X family, BSR-1001, BSR-1002 and BSR-1004 share the same architecture,
thus same loop connection method. They differ only on the available loop connection outputs (1, 2 or 4).
The output connections, maximum consumption and the connection diagrams that are going to be
mentioned in the next paragraphs are common to all panels.
By default, all loop output connection terminals have 2 short-circuit links (+L to +LF and
–L to –LF). In
order to connect one or more devices to the loop output, remove the 2 short-circuit links entirely.
All loop connections are similar. A maximum number of 150 devices can be connected in each loop.
Some devices may require 2 addresses to function (e.g. BSR-8120), thus the maximum number of
devices is reduced respectively.
The cable shielding must be conn
ected to “Protective Earth” ground for compliance with electromagnetic
compatibility (EMC) requirements.
The cable length must not exceed the limit of 2km with a maximum cross section of 2,5mm².
Figure 4-5.Loop diagram
Figure 4-6.Detector base connections BSR-6155, BSR-6160 and BSR-6157