intake terminal to take advantage of the natural buoyancy of the fl ue
gases to help prevent re-circulation of the exhaust. (
Figure 10
No termination fi tting is required if venting vertically
through a roof. Th
e end of the exhaust pipe must be 12” higher than
the entrance of the combustion air intake terminal.
(Figure 12
e exhaust pipe extending through the roof must extend a mini-
mum of 18” above any obstruction within an 18” horizontal dis-
Concentric Venting Kit
Concentric venting terminal kits may be used for this series furnace.
ey provide a means of obtaining combustion air and exhausting
products of combustion utilizing a single penetration through the
exterior wall. Th
is can be useful when there is limited wall space
available. Kits are available in 2” and 3” sizes. If venting the 60000
Btuh model with 1½” vent material, and a concentric vent kit is
necessary, a increase coupling may be used to connect to the 2” con-
centric venting kit. Read the instructions supplied with the kit for
additional installation instructions and details.
Concentric Vent Termination Installation Instructions
Follow the concentric vent termination manufactures instructions
for installation of the concentric vent termination kit. Th
ese instruc-
tions can be found by contacting the furnace manufacture. Furnace
manufacture contact information is found on the front cover of this
installation manual and operating instructions.
Avoid locating the terminals where the fl ue gas could become stag-
nant and allow recirculation into the combustion air intake.
Avoid locating the terminal in locations where dripping condensate
may cause problems such as sidewalks, patios, above planters, near
windows where exhaust gases may cause fogging, etc.
Avoid locating the termination too close to shrubs and other vegeta-
tion. Th
e condensate may stunt or kill them.
Caulk all cracks, seams or joints within a 6 foot radius of the termi-
Do not terminate under a deck unless there is adequate clearance to
prevent damage from the fl ue gases. A termination may be located
at the end of a patio deck. Piping running beneath the deck must be
suitably insulated and suspended in a manner to prevent condensate
Combustion Air
e combustion air termination is made up of a
medium or long sweep 90° elbow pointing downward to prevent rain
from readily entering the combustion air intake piping. An intake
screening is optional; however, unless there is a compelling reason
to use one, the screen may actually encourage the formation of
rime ice, which could cause the intake to become blocked in certain
weather conditions.
If the required clearance to grade cannot be obtained with the
“straight through” confi guration, the combustion air intake pipe may
be “periscoped” up to 24” to gain extra height
(Figure 10)
- Th
e combustion air termination is made up of a pair of
medium or long sweep 90° elbow pointing downward to prevent rain
from entering the combustion air intake piping. Th
e termination
inlet must be positioned within 3” of the companion exhaust piping.
e combustion air inlet must be located a minimum of 12” above
grade, and 12” below the exhaust outlet.
(Figure 12)
Figure 12 - Standard Vertical Venting Detail
3" MAX.
12" MIN
e exhaust termination is normally a 45° elbow or
a medium or long sweep 90° elbow pointing within 45° of the down-
ward position, away from the combustion air intake terminal.
If the required clearance to grade cannot be obtained with the
“straight through” confi guration, the exhaust pipe may be “peri-
scoped” up to 24” to gain extra height.
Figure 10
In this case, the
fl ue gases may be expelled horizontally. Use the same size pipe as the
interior run and count the fi ttings and length as part of the total vent
If winter prevailing wind conditions are variable and likely to oc-
casionally blow fl ue gases back in on the combustion air intake, the
exhaust termination may be raised 18-24” above the combustion air