Changing the Cash Register's Standard Settings
1. Control dial position: PRG.
2. Type the [number] of the machine condition (1-29 as
indicated in the table) that you wish to change.
3. Type the [number] of the required setting.
4. Press
Example: Set the date to the Month/Day/Year format.
Management Reports
Transaction data is maintained in the memory of the cash
register as long as the battery back-up system is in effect.
This data can be printed as a report for management review.
The Management Report can be printed from either the
X1/X2 or Z1/Z2 position.
X and Z Reports
Turning the control dial to the X1/X2 position prints the
accumulated transaction information and RETAINS ALL
TOTALS IN MEMORY. Take this report any time of the day
to print periodic reading of the transactions performed (some
users call the X report a mid-day report). X reports include
the PLU Report, Clerk Report, and the X1 and X2 Financial
Turning the control dial to the Z1/Z2 position prints the same
information as the X report. The only difference is that after
RESET TO ZERO, except for the grand total unless pro-
grammed otherwise in the system options programming
mode. This report is usually taken at the end of the day so that
all the transaction totals are cleared to start from zero the
following day.
NOTE:To prevent the accidental printing of the Z report,
assign a Z mode manager password as explained in the
section entitled "Defining a Z Mode Manager Password".
An X2 report is called a period-to-date financial report which
is usually taken on a weekly basis. It accumulates all the
transaction totals. A Z2 report is the same as an X2 report
with the exception that all the transaction totals are reset to
zero after it is taken. It is usually taken as a monthly sales
report to view end-of-month sales totals for each department.
X1 and Z1 Financial Reports
NOTE: Once a "Z" report is taken, it cannot be duplicated so
be sure to have plenty of paper in the cash register.
1. Control dial position: X1/X2 or Z1/Z2 (bear in mind that a
Z1 printout resets all totals to zero).
2. If a Z-mode manager password was defined, type the
[4-digit password] and press
3. Press
X2 and Z2 Financial Reports
1. Control dial position: X1/X2 or Z1/Z2 (bear in mind that a
Z2 printout resets all totals to zero).
2. If a Z-mode manager password was defined, type the
[4-digit password] and press
3. Type
and press
Clerk Report
1. Control dial position: X1/X2 or Z1/Z2 (bear in mind that a
Z Clerk Report resets all totals).
2. Press
Percent minus total
Charge in drawer
Card in drawer
X counter
Department 1
activity counter
X report identifier
Department 1
sales total
Department number
Total amount VAT
1, 2, 3 and 4
Refund total
Net sales total
without tax
Gross sales total
Cash sales total
Check sales total
Charge sales total
Received on
account total
Cash in drawer total
Check in drawer total
Net sales total in
local currency
Cash sales counter
Void total
Charge sales counter
Check sales counter
receipt number
Received on
account counter
No sale counter
Sales total for all
Grand total
Card sales counter
Card sales total
total of
clerk 1
X report
total of
clerk 2
Activity counter for
Clerk 1
Clerk 1 number or
assigned name
Activity counter for
Clerk 2
Sales total of all
receipt number
condition Setting
Confirm setting