A. Upper transport section
(1) Paper transport path
By rotating the main motor (MM), all the transport rollers in the unit
(except for the tray 2 final roller) are driven.
(2) Interface unit paper entry gate
The finisher gate solenoid (FGS) operates the interface unit paper entry
gate to perform machine paper exit reversion and selection of the paper
path to the tray 1 and the tray 2.
(3) S paper entry gate
The compiler paper entry gate solenoid (SCGS) operates the S paper
entry gate to select the paper path to the tray 1 or the tray 2.
(4) Tray 1 paper full detection
Tray 1 paper full detection is performed by the tray 1paper full sensor
(T1PF) in linkage with the tray 1 paper full actuator.
B. Alignment tray section
(1) Jogger F/R
The jogger F/R motors (JFM, JRM) are driven at the timing of paper
entry into the alignment tray to operate the joggers F/R (alignment plates
on both sides), making transverse alignment of paper.
(2) Pusher
The pusher motor (PSM) is driven at the timing of paper entry into the
alignment tray to operate the pusher (upper alignment plate). Paper is
squeezed with the pusher and the stopper which is provided at the lead
edge of paper to make longitudinal alignment of paper. The pusher also
serves to hold the rear edge of a paper bundle in order not to change the
sequence of the next paper when it enters the alignment tray. It also
pushes a stapled paper bundle to the tray 2 in the staple mode.
(3) Stopper
The stopper is driven by the stopper solenoid (SPS) to stop the lead
edge of paper in order to hold paper in the alignment tray.
(4) Pressure release roller
The pressure release roller is driven by the pressure release solenoid
(SCRS). It is pressed when paper is transported from the alignment tray
to the tray 2. It also serves to improve longitudinal alignment capability
when paper enters the alignment tray in the staple mode.
(5) Paper holder
The paper holder is driven by the paper holder solenoid (PPS) to hold the
rear edge of paper in the alignment tray.
(6) Alignment and paper exit in offset
1) The joggers F/R are moved to the standby position before paper
entry into the alignment tray, and paper is passed to the alignment
2) When paper is passed into the alignment tray, the stopper solenoid is
turned on to receive paper.
3) After paper entry into the alignment tray, the joggers are moved to
the suitable positions according to the paper size, and paper is
4) The stopper solenoid is turned off and the pressure release (roller)
solenoid is turned on to discharge paper to the tray 2.
(7) Alignment in stapling
1) Before paper entry into the alignment tray, the joggers F/R are
moved to the standby position, and paper is entered into the
alignment tray.
2) When paper enters the alignment tray, the stopper solenoid is turned
on to receive paper.
3) After paper entry into the alignment tray, the joggers F/F are moved
to the paper size positions to align paper.
4) The paper holder solenoid is turned on at the same time with (3) to
hold the rear edge of entered paper, and the pusher is moved to the
paper size position.
5) After completion of moving the pusher, the paper holder solenoid is
turned off.
Paper entry sensor (PID)
S paper entry gate
Tray 1
paper full actuator
Staple paper entry sensor 2
Interface unit paper entry gate
Staple paper entry sensor 1 (SCID)
Tray 1 paper full sensor (T1SP)
Paper size
Center reference
Paper exit
Jogger R
Jogger F
Pressure release roller
Paper size
Center reference
Jogger R
Jogger F
Paper holder
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Service Manual