After the fill, wipe the residual ink off the 45/15 nozzles, and let cartridge stand in upright position
(nozzles facing up)
Bang / knock the cartridge on the counter. This will encourage air bubbles which are create
through turbulent filling (through 300 jets) to rise in an anti-gravity fashion upwards
Normally allow them to sit for hours or overnight in this position, but if it is a refill, then
you cannot do this (or maybe you can...why? because direct swap-outs on 45a’s is very feasible. If
cartridges test okay (electronically etc.) and in a bid to pleasing the client and because the empties
are in abundance and NOT prone or susceptible to problems)
After this you can balance (equalize)
Normally a 1 second suck will imply that 1ml is being drawn out with the air
We recommend performing a 2 ~ 3 second function, but weight NOT time depicts / dictates
this. ......because you should pre-weigh and post-weigh during the balance period. Remember
cartridges will weigh differently because of the starting weight variables
After balancing, the cartridge will weigh between 103 ~ 107g
Then test print
Normally because of “cabin” pressure variables, it is recommended to up to run 2 solid
pages. Without a doubt to begin with, this a) causes all 300 (or whatever jets are working) to
fire........and it will show you signs of what the problems can / could be (bearing in mind, if you
have run the jet-test to begin with, you will be quite certain that all jets are firing, and you should
NOW run the jet (utility test) one again, including cleaning cycles, offered by HP software
The cartridge then can go to full 2 ~ 4 page test (ideas for these are attached)
You will pack and seal as normal. Do not use water drops on the head. Make sure that
when you nozzle seal with tape that you do 1 sec steam to ensure that no “scabs” (hard ink) have
formed in the pores during sitting and waiting time (while cartridges are waiting for packing)
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