OLIMEX© 2015
OLIMEXINO-5510 user's manual
Our offer is:
- Shields
Some of the shields we sell for our Arduino boards can be found here:
- UEXT expansion boards
All OLIMEX boards which names start with MOD, are compatible with the UEXT interface. Notice
that there is multiplexing between the Arduino platform connector (for the shields) and the UEXT.
You can't use two devices with SPI communication at the same time.
2.3 Powering the board and operating modes
The board is powered either via the mini USB or via the 3.7V_LI_BAT connector or via the SBW
The board can be programmed in three ways:
1) as a general purpose board via the SBW.
2) by the BSL (BootStrap Loader) bootloder by MSP430
When powered the red power LED should turn on. By default the green LED near the battery
connector should start blinking if used in debugger/general mode.
To enter BSL mode hold USB_BSL and power the board. Or while the board is powered hold
USB_BSL down then press RESET and then release USB_BSL. If the board is started in BSL mode
the green LED should remain off.
2.4 Prebuilt software and bootloader
The prebuilt software is a bootloader and a simple LEDs and buttons test. When you power the
board initially all LEDs will be on. If you press and hold the B1 button LED2 should start blinking.
If you press and hold WAKE_UP button LED1 should start blinking. Upon releasing the buttons the
LEDs should return to their initial “always on” state.
Note that you can compile binaries (suitable to upload via the bootloader) using various software
products. People typically use Code Composer Studio; IAR Embedded Workbench for MSP430;
Rowley CrossWorks for MSP430.
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