Figure 64. Configuration C
Configuration D (a -b).
Chamber Incubator insertion inside the enclosure
. You can insert the chamber incubator on the stage
before mounting the frontal panel or after have mounted the frontal panel simply opening the slide door
on the left or on the right panel of the enclosure. See Figure 65.
Please refer to the chamber user manual in order to have more information on the chamber incubator
positioning on the stage.
Figure 65. Chamber Incubator insertion inside the enclosure
HM-VF tubing connection inside the Enclosure
. If you have purchased also HM-VF, you have to connect
the tubes between the Water Trap and Humidity Module (Tube H), between the Water Trap and the
Chamber Incubator (TUBE G) and between the Input of the gas coming from the Gas Mixer and the
Humidity Module (TUBE I). See Figure 66.
The 3 mm ID silicon end of TUBE G must be connected to the Water Trap while the 2 mm ID silicon
end to the Chamber Incubator.