DDR-04 / DDR-08 / DDR-16 User’s Manual
4.4 Schedule configuration
Schedule configuration includes three sub menus: schedule, motion and alarm.
The volume means the seven days of a week from Monday to Sunday, the row means 24 hours of a day. Click the
grid to do relevant setup. Blue means checked area, gray means unchecked area.
Step1: enter into system configuration
schedule configuration
schedule; refer to Fig 4-14:
Fig 4-14 schedule configuration-schedule
Step2: select channel, double-click and a dialog box will pop-up as Fig 4-15, user can edit week schedule:
Fig 4-15 schedule-week schedule
Click “add” button to add a certain day schedule; click “delete” button to delete the selected schedule;
Copy: user can copy the specify schedule to other dates.
Click “OK” button to save the setting, click “Exit” button to exit current interface.
User can apply the schedule setting of certain channel to other or all channels, just only select channel and
click “Copy” button.
Step3: click “default” button to resort default setting; click “apply” button to save the setting; click “exit” button to exit
current interface.
Step1: enter into system configuration
schedule configuration
motion; refer to Fig 4-16:
Fig 4-16 schedule configuration-motion