12 - English
Toxicological information
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Primary routes of exposure
Aggravating conditions
Acute toxicity oral rat LD50
Potential chronic health
CARCINOGENIC EFFECTS:Classified 2B (Possible for humans.) by IARC [Carbon
Black]. Classified 2B (Possible for humans.) by IARC [Titanium dioxide].
MUTAGENIC EFFECTS: Toner is negative (nonmutagnenic) in the Ames assay.
Inhalation of dust, skin contact.
Exposure to high airborne dust concentrations, including toner, may aggravate existing
respiratory conditions.
Toner dust is a particulate not otherwise classified (PNOC) or regulated (PNOR).
Low acute oral toxicity. Exposure not probable with intended use.
Low acute inhalation toxicity. As with exposure to high concentrations of any dust, minimal
irritation of the respiratory tract may occur. Pure carbon black and titanium dioxide, minor
components of this product, has been listed by IARC as a group 2B (possible
carcinogen). This classification is based on rat "lung particulate overload" studies
performed with airborne particulate. Toner is not listed by IARC, NTP, or OSHA.
Not determined.
None known.
Ecological information
Not determined.
Other information
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Waste disposal
Disposal considerations
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This product is not a listed hazardous waste in accordance with Federal Regulation 40
CFR Part 261. If discarded in its purchased form, this product would not be a hazardous
waste either by listing or by characteristic. However, under RCRA, it is the responsibility o
the product user to determine at the time of disposal whether a material has been
contaminated and should be classified as a hazardous waste. Disposal is subject to local,
state and federal regulations.
Transport information
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Not regulated by any transport mode.
Regulatory information
United States
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All ingredients are listed on the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) inventory, have
been registered, or are exempt.
WHMIS (Canada)
Not controlled under WHMIS (Canada).
None of the ingredients in this product has a final reportable quantity (RQ) under
Emergency Planning and Community Right-to Know Act (EPCRA)- Section 302:
Extremely Hazardous Substances (EHS) or notification requirements for EHS under
Section 304.
California Prop. 65
This product contains no known materials at levels which the State of California has found
to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm - California Proposition 65.
EINECS (Europe)
All ingredients are listed on the European Inventory of Existing Commercial Substances
(EINECS) list, have been registered on the European List of New Chemical Substances
(ELINCS), or are exempt.
ENCS (Japan)
All ingredients are listed on the Japanese Existing and New Chemical Substances
(ENCS) list, have been registered, or are exempt.
AICS (Australia)
All ingredients are listed in Australian Inventory of Commercial Substances (AICS), have
been registered, or are exempt.
International regulations lists
Philippines inventory
All ingredients are listed on the Philippines Inventory (PICCS) or are exempt.
Korea inventory (KECI)
All ingredients are listed on the Korean Existing Chemicals List (ECL), have been
registered, or are exempt.
China inventory (IECSC)
All ingredients are listed on the Chinese inventory (IECSC) or are exempt.