4-103 PCL Setup options
ES3640e MFP EFI Configuration Guide - 103
Paper Size
A3/A4/11x17/Letter [A4]
Specify the default paper size that the Fiery uses to print PCL
Default Orientation
Portrait/Landscape [Portrait]
This option determines whether the text or image will be oriented
along the short edge of the paper (portrait) or along the long edge
of the paper (landscape).
Form Length (lines)
5-128 [60]
This option sets the number of lines to be printed per page.
Font Size (pt)
4.0-999.75 [012.00]
When the number selected in Font Number represents a propor-
tionally spaced scalable font, the Font Size option appears, allow-
ing you to determine the point size (height) of the default font.
Font Pitch (char/in)
0.44-99.99 [010.00]
When the number selected in Font Number represents a fixed
pitch scalable font, the Font Pitch option appears, allowing you to
determine the width of scalable type. Pitch is measured by char-
acters per inch, so 10-pitch type fits ten characters per inch.
Symbol Set
ASCII/Roman-8/ECMA-94 L1/PC-8... [Desktop]
This option lets you choose the symbol set that best matches the
needs of users printing to the Fiery.