1.12. Settings
Dual SIM settings
This feature control the available SIM card
Dual SIM open
Open the two-card SIM1 and SIM2 shows the network
Only SIM1/SIM2 Open
Open a single card, SIM1 or SIM2 shows the
Flight mode
SIM1 and SIM2 shielding network
Phone setup
Time and date
This menu allows you to set the date and time items as below
• Set Home City
• Set Time
• Set time Format
• Set Date
• Set Date Format
• Auto-update of Date and Time
Schedule power on/off
This menu allows you to set the scheduled power on and off, you max to
set 4 schedule power on/off.
Pref. Input method
Set the preferred input method for editor.
Display setup
Set the display of mobile phone
Show date and time
Screen switch effect
Greeting text
This menu allow to set the status for greeting text and allow to edit the
greeting text message while power on.
Auto update of date and time
This menu allow to set whether to update date and time with network
(This feature depend on network, some of them maybe not support).
Motion sensor
This menu allow you to set the motion sensor for Audio player, FM radio.
Mouse sensitivity
This menu is allow to increase the sensitivity of center key.
Shortcut set
User can allow to select the shortcut key
Call settings
The following Call Setup features are network services. Please contact
your network service provider to check availability and subscribe to the
Smart Divert
This provide feature to call divert between SIM card 1 or SIM card 2 in
case of call divert while not reachable.
SIM1 Divert Number
: Set number that need to divert from SIM1 to
Another number
SIM2 Divert Number
: Set number that need to divert from SIM2 to
Another number
Remind When Power
: When user power on the mobile, this status
will remind which function is on or off.
SIM1 Call Setting
This option allows you to customize SIM1 call settings.