The raw and soft water of the softening process to be monitored must basically meet
the requirements of the applicable drinking water ordinance.
A constant sample pressure of a minimum of 1 to a maximum of 10 bar of raw and
soft water must be ensured during operation. The difference between raw and soft
water pressure should be as small as possible.
The sample liquids must be free of particles, otherwise flow filters ≤ 0.1 mm must be
installed in front of the sample inputs.
Before removing the sensor from the measuring chamber, the power supply to the
device must be interrupted. Otherwise water may splash out of the measuring cham-
There is constant water pressure up to the solenoid valves. Before servicing the sol-
enoid valves or before dismantling the measuring device, the raw and soft water lines
must be shut off. Otherwise water may splash.
When decommissioning, the sensor must be removed from the measuring cell and,
as provided by the manufacturer, stored in the original packaging in a moist, tight
and dark place.
The manufacturer reserves the right to make changes in line with technical progress.