Display in measuring mode
The measurement result is in the top line in the process menu. The absolute measured value is
not output, but the evaluation ("<" or ">") for the set hardness limit value. If there is a question
mark in front of the hardness limit, no measured value has yet been determined.
If the symbol "«" is displayed instead of the "<", ">" or "?" symbol, this indicates
brine in the soft water. As a rule, the relay for the limit value alarm also switches
with this output.
The characters means:
line: hardness concentration
Soft water concentration less than the hardness limit
Soft water concentration greater than the hardness limit
Soft water concentration not yet determined,
Device still in an unstable measuring state
Soft water concentration greater than raw water concentration,
caused by impermissible brine entry
line: calibration status
Raw and soft water: switch valves, device in calibration mode
line: USB stick
"USB stick"
No USB stick inserted
"USB error"
USB data stick must be checked on an external PC using Explorer, refor-
matted if necessary or exchanged for an identical USB data stick from OFS
line: sensor status
(after last internal function tests)
„Sensor ok“
Sensor all right
Sensor with reduced quality
Sensor with impermissible quality
line, left side: device and valve status
Raw water measurement
Soft water measurement
Mixed water measurement in case of calibration
The device was set to offline mode when the potential-free external
contact was closed. There is no measurement
line, right side:
current time