OFITE, 11302 Steeplecrest Dr., Houston, TX 77065 USA / Tel: 832-320-7300 / Fax: 713-880-9886 / www.ofite.com
Before taking a measurement, you must connect the MudChecker to the host
PC and enter the required inputs into the software. The software will then
save those settings to the MudChecker device.
1. Connect the MudChecker to the host PC and start the software.
2. Click the “New Measurement” button to start a new test.
Enter the required inputs:
• Test Description
: comments regarding the test or any other relevant
• Mud ID:
short description of the mud (maximum of 17 characters)
• Mud Density:
density of the whole drilling fluid in lb/gal
• Weighted Mud:
specifies whether the mud contains barite. If un-
weighted mud is being tested with no barite, uncheck this selection
• HGS Density:
the specific gravity of HGS or barite (if used) in SG or
• LGS Density:
the specific gravity of low-gravity or drill solids in fluid in
SG or gm/cc
• Base Fluid:
the type of base fluid in the drilling fluid. Select the type
from the drop-down selection. Base fluids can be added to this list via
the “Base Fluid Calibration” screen. See page 6 for details.
• Base Density:
specific gravity of the base fluid
• Oil Calibrated:
for informational purposes only since all devices are
always calibrated with diesel by default or user-selected base fluids
Test Setup