OFITE, 11302 Steeplecrest Dr., Houston, TX 77065 USA / Tel: 832-320-7300 / Fax: 713-880-9886 / www.ofite.com
Clean any spilled fluid from the edge of the cell and place the inner cap
on top of the cell body o-ring so that it seats in place. Hand tighten the
outer cap in place. Using the Allen wrench, tighten the set screws in the
outer cap. Insert the valve stem with the o-rings in place into the inner cap
and tighten completely. Loosen the valve stem approximately one half
turn before pressurizing.
6. When the desired pressure is reached, close the valve stem by tightening
it with a wrench. To ensure there are no leaks, immerse the cell in water
and check for any bubbles coming from the valve stem or cell cap.
7. Place the Aging Cell inside the oven and adjust to the desired tempera-
8. After the desired aging time has elapsed, remove the cell from the oven
and allow it to air cool until the sample temperature is 300°F (149°C) or
less. The cell may then be either air or water cooled.
The sample temperature must be equal to the ambient temperature
before you release the pressure and open the cell.
9. Loosen the set screws, unscrew the outer cap, and remove the inner cap.
10. Clean out the valve stem with water. Blow air through the stem to remove
any residual water.
Observe the aged fluid and record the condition as “fluid”, “gelled”,
“plastic”, “hard”, etc. You may also want to test for viscosity, shear or gel
strength, or filtration control.
12. Remove both cell caps and thoroughly clean the entire cell with soap and
Inner Cap
Place O-rings
Valve Stem