OFITE, 11302 Steeplecrest Dr., Houston, TX 77065 USA / Tel: 832-320-7300 / Fax: 713-880-9886 / www.ofite.com
1. The potentiometer should be kept as clean as possible. Periodically
submerge the unit in solvent to remove cement and other materials.
2. Troubleshooting potential problems:
If consistency (voltage) readings fluctuate, examine the resistor and
verify that the top is smooth and consistent. If necessary, re-insert the
resistor and lightly smooth the resistor wire with emery cloth.
b. If the consistency (voltage) reading is zero, the resistor and contact
arm may have lost contact. Adjust the contact arm either up or down.
If this does not correct the problem, the resistor may have sufficient
space between the windings to prohibit conductance. If this is the
case, replace the resistor.
c. If the potentiometer will not hold a calibration, the spring is probably
either damaged or worn by corrosion. Replace the spring.
3. To install a new resistor:
a. Remove the four small screws holding the shaft-bearing retainer to
the potentiometer assembly.
b. Remove the contact arm.
c. Carefully lift the damaged resistor away from the potentiometer. Clear
the resistor groove of any foreign material.
d. Carefully place the new resistor into the groove and ensure that it is
centered between the two terminating contacts.
e. Push the resistor completely into the groove with either a mallet or
a piece of wood. It is very important to ensure that the resistor is
completely inserted into the groove and that the upper surface is level.
f. Install a new contact arm and if necessary, bend the arm either up or
down to obtain consistent contact with the resistor.
g. Re-install the shaft-bearing retainer and calibrate the potentiometer
before use.
4. To install a new calibration spring:
a. Remove the contact arm and the shaft-bearing retainer.
b. Carefully lift the calibration spring from the potentiometer assembly.