PLC BL2500 User’s Manual
OEM Technology Solutions
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Table 1: Main Features of the
PLC Firmware Kernel V1.04 on the BL2500
Kernel filename
SBC model supported
BL2500 with Rabbit core module RCM3200 (10/100BaseT, 512K Flash, 256K +
512K SRAM, 44.2 MHz clock speed). Z-World P/N: 101-0602
I/Os supported
- 16 Digital Inputs
- 8 Digital Outputs
- 1 Analog Input (connected through AD0): 10 bits resolution, 0 – 3.3 V
- 1 Analog Output (connected through DA1): 10 bits resolution, 0 – 3.3 V
Modbus RTU over TCP/IP using static IP address
Modbus RTU over RS232 (using serial port E) or RS485 (using serial port D):
- Baud rate: 19200, 9600, 4800, 2400, 1200 or 600 (configurable through
PLC Utility)
- Parity: None
- Data bits: 8
- Stop bits: 1
- Flow Control: None
Minimum polling period time is 1 cycle duration for Modbus TCP and 2 x cycle
duration for Modbus RTU over RS232/RS485. Cycle duration corresponds to the
time that kernel executes one cycle (read inputs
execute logic
- Digital Input scan time is approx. 200 µs.
- Analog Input scan time is approx. 83 ms.
- Digital Output update time is approx. 30 µs per output.
- Analog Output update time is approx. 120 µs.
- Boolean instruction execution time is approx. 30 µs.
- Program execution overhead is approx. 100 µs per program.
Memory Space
Maximum size of ISaGRAF application database is 50000 bytes.
Size of ISaGRAF real-time database (holds variables, SFC engine data, C function
and function blocks data) is 10000 bytes.
Free root memory on the BL2500 is approx. 9000 bytes.
PLC firmware kernel total code size is approx. 260000 bytes.
ISaGRAF V3.50 features
not supported by
- On-line modifications. This feature enables the user to modify the application
while the process is running.
- Uploading application stored in the target.
This manual provides instructions for installing, testing, configuring and interconnecting the Z-World SBC
BL2500 running the
PLC Firmware Kernel. Instructions are also provided for using the
ISaGRAF Workbench.
This User’s Manual is divided into the following chapters:
This chapter provides and overview of the
PLC and information about this publication such
as conventions used and reference documents.
Chapter 2, Getting Started: Explains how to install the different
PLC products and run a
sample application.
Chapter 3, Running Sample Applications: Provides instructions how to run the different types of
sample applications and also how to create a PLC application using the ISaGRAF Workbench.
Chapter 4, Hardware Reference: Provides a detailed description of the I/Os and communication ports
present in the SBC BL2500 and how to configure them in order to work with