Device and select a removable storage device. Press the red button and
then confirm to remove it.
Check a storage device
: Choose Current Device, select a storage device,
and then choose Storage Check. If any faults are found, they are
automatically repaired.
Access a shared folder on a computer
: Choose Current Device and select
Network Drive. Choose Network Setting, choose Folder, and then specify
the path to the folder. A good example of shared folder paths is
View the state of the user-available memory
: Choose Current Device
and select User.
6.2 Managing Files
Press the playlist button to access the removable storage devices
connected to the receiver.
Display only files of a specific type
: The chosen file type is displayed on
the top left of the screen. Press the left or right navigation buttons to see
files of a different type. To display all files, regardless of file type, choose
Play List. Imported Files stands for videos except TV recordings.
View files on another storage device: Press the playlist button and choose a
different storage device.
Sort files
: Press the yellow button and choose a category.
Create a folder
: Press the blue button and select New Folder.