X4 / X8 / X16
Operation / Maintenance
X-Series lights have active thermal protection. This means that while underwater, they run at full power due to water
cooling. Moderate dimming may be noticeable with above water installations when high ambient temperatures are
reached to avoid damage.
Single Colour Strobe
To enter strobe mode, toggle the power on and off quickly twice (on
→ off → on → off → on). They should now strobe
in a pseudo-random pattern. To reset from strobe mode, turn off then back on again.
DMX Colour Change
Please refer to the purchased DMX Controller for details about how to use it.
Colours control with DC switch operation:
The colour change has three modes of operation, single colour mode, cycle / programming mode, and strobe mode:
Single colour mode
– this mode is entered when the light is first turned on. The light will be a single colour,
either a default blue, or a previously selected colour.
Strobe mode
– to enter this mode, turn off the light for less than 1 second, then back on again. The light will
flash in a pseudo-random pattern - the colour will be the same as that in single colour mode.
Cycle / Program mode
, to enter this toggle the power to the unit off twice for less than 1 second each time
→ off → on → off → on)
. The light will then slowly cycle and fade through the colour spectrum (see diagram
below for cycle order). It can be left in cycling if required, or alternatively, once the light shows the desired
colour this can be stored by switching the light off for more than 2 seconds. When the light is switched back on
it will be back in single colour mode, displaying the previously selected colour. Single colour mode
– this mode
is entered when the light is first turned on. The light will be a single colour, either a default blue, or a previously
selected colour.
Blue → Red → Green → Blue → White → Blue/White → Red/White → Green/White
NOTE: If during the above operations, one or more lights connected go out of sync, simply switch off the lights for more
than 2 seconds, then re-enter cycle mode to re-select the colour.
Colour Change Fade Cycle Order