OMC-183-ML Manual
Page 2
0.1 (26-08-2016)
Conversion of OMC-183 hardware into OMC-183-ML hardware
Original OMC-183 manual version 3.17 was used to create this
installation & technical user manual
Review version
1.01 (25-10-2016)
First release
1.02 (24-9-2018)
Correction in connection OMC-938 display (page 12).
1.03 (15-11-2018)
Correction baud rate OMC-2900 output (fixed 4800 like both NMEA
inputs) .
1.04 (4-12-2018)
Correction name ‘new OMC-406’ to OIC-406
1.05 (8-10-2019)
Correction connections OMC-9501 (page 11 chapter 2.9)