NEP-9500 MANUAL V1.01
Observator Instruments V1.01
Copyright 2017
Page 6
ANALITE NEP-9500 probes typical use include applications such as:
1. Monitoring of streams and rivers.
2. Monitoring of water storage bodies including stratification studies.
3. Intermediate and final effluent treatment monitoring.
4. Hydrological run off studies.
5. Ground and bore water analysis.
6. Drinking water filtration efficiency.
7. Industrial process monitoring.
8. Sludge and dredge monitoring.
9. Sediment load monitoring.
Which model is best used is dependent on the application, the measuring environment, the logging
equipment and the monitoring period (deployment times) required.
The ANALITE turbidity probes are not suitable in situations where they may be abraded by large
particles such as sand and under these circumstances the reading may become erratic due to the
large particles passing the optic sensor. Measuring turbidity under these circumstance will require
a stilling well to allow the sand particles to settle away from the optic sensor in the probe tip.