Disposal of the appliance
Legislation requires that all electrical and electronic equipment must be col-
lected for reuse and recycling. Electrical and electronic equipment marked
with the symbol indicating separate collection of such equipment must be
returned to a municipal waste collection point
Claim according to valid law. Machine stamped receipt shall be enclosed if one
wishes to make a complaint. The appliance shall be returned to the store where it
was purchased.
OBH Nordica Denmark A/S
Ole Lippmanns Vej 1
2630 Taastrup
Tlf.: 43 350 350
Technical data
OBH Nordica 6451
230 Volts AC, 2200 Watts
Capacity 1,0 liter
Detachable 360° live base
Double dry boiling protection
With reservation for ongoing changes and improvements.
6451 IM 301009.indd 22
11-11-2009 13:33:25