If you are building the SRE330 in the suggested way with all three Oakley PCBs you will need
three sets of interconnects that link the boards together.
The 16-way IDC flat ribbon cable connects the SREIO and SRE330 main board together. It carries
balanced audio signals and 0V.
The IDC cable should be made so that pin 1 goes to pin 1, pin 2 goes to pin 2, etc. Note the
polarising lugs on each of the connectors in the photograph above – they both point right. The red
edge denotes the pin one connection. Here I have used connectors that have a strain relief fitted
which requires the cable to be folded back under the connector before the strain relief bar is clicked
into place.
The power connections are made with 24/0.2 cable fitted to Molex 0.156” KK crimp housings. You
can use MTA type connections if you prefer. Again both cables are made so that pin 1 goes to pin 1.
The three way connection only uses two of the connections. Pin 2 is NOT connected. With the five
way connection, all five positions are used.