RPSU issue 2 Parts List
All resistors 1% 0.25W metal film resistors.
R3, R4
R1, R2
R5 and LK are not fitted.
100nF axial multilayer ceramic
C1, C4, C5, C6
10uF, 35V or 50V electrolytic
C2, C3, C7, C8
1000uF, 35V or 50V electrolytic
C9, C10, C11, C12
C9 to C12 are radial types and have standard wire ended leads. Lead spacing is 7.5mm. Do not get
'push-fit' types as their pins would be too large to fit into the PCB. Ensure they have a ripple rating
of at least 750mA and that their height doesn't exceed your chosen case once they are fitted into the
C13 is not fitted.
Discrete Semiconductors
1N4002 or 1N4004
D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6
D7, D8, D9, D10
D11 and AC LED are not fitted.
D9 and D10 do not need to be fitted if you are using a single phase wall wart or line lump, although
they won't cause any problems if they are. For full wave rectification, that is, if you are using a split
output line lump or an internal transformer with twin secondaries, then D9 and D10 are required.
Integrated Circuits
LM317T 1A variable regulator
LM337T 1A variable regulator
Ensure that both devices are TO-220 types and not any surface mounting or TO-3 packages. I much
prefer the devices that have a thicker mounting (dual gauge) tab.
Do not fit solder U1 and U2 into the board just yet. They are only to be soldered once the board is
fitted to the base panel of your case. See the section on mounting the RPSU board later in this