Linelumps and Wallwarts: Wiring Diagrams
The input power wiring will depend on the type of wallwart or linelump you will be using.
Standard AC output wallwart
Single phase, two wire, wallwarts or linelumps need to use half wave rectification so the Oakley
PSU can generate both positive and negative supplies simultaneously. They only need the terminal's
AC1 and 0V1 wired to the power socket. AC2 and 0V2 are left unused.
D9, D10 and F1 are not needed to be fitted to the RPSU although it will do no harm if they are
Connecting to a wallwart with single phase AC output.
The front panel switch is a single pole single throw (SPST) switch which simply connects S1R and
S1S together when switched on.
Only F2 needs to be fitted and it should be rated at 1AT, ie. a one amp anti-surge or time lag fuse.