Maintenance Instructions
step 6:
The live-view screen provides a
live reading of the amperage and voltage
being supplied to the generator. The
ozone generator should read between
220mA-260mA and 12.0VDC-12.1VDC.
Using a screwdriver, gently turn the
potentiometer dial counter-clockwise.
Note the increase in amperage as you
do so. Continue to turn the dial until the
amperage is within the 220mA-260mA
range. Confirm that the voltage reading is
either 12.0 or 12.1.
Turning the dial too far in the counter-
clockwise position can force the generator
to shut down (399mA or over). If this
occurs, the controller screen will appear
“frozen”. Press and hold the NEXT and
REGEN buttons for three seconds to
reboot the board. Once the controller
reboots, return to STEP 3 and continue.
260 12.0
step 7:
Once the amperage and voltage
are within acceptable ranges, press the
NEXT button on the controller to exit the
live-view. Replace the enclosure cover.
If successful, the unit will resume normal
operation and the alarm will cease.
If moisture is suspected to have affected
the cell, such as with a check valve failure
or the result of environmental conditions,
leave the cell to dry by resuming normal
operation. In some cases, the electrical
current running through the cell can dry
it, restoring it to its normal functionality.
If the alarm continues after three
consecutive regenerations, it is advised to
replace the cell.