CAREvent® ALS - User Manual
The use of a Transport Ventilator Circuit with the CAREvent®
ALS will increase Demand Valve Triggering Pressure due to the
secondary patient valve. The use of the Transport ventilator Circuit
does not increase the patient valve deadspace.
The CAREvent® ALS Automatic Rescue Resuscitator is designed
to provide respiratory support in emergency situations. Failure to
follow the maintenance and inspection routines properly could
result in incorrect operation of the resuscitator.
4. Servicing
4.1. Routine Maintenance
To ensure proper operation of the resuscitator regular inspection
and checking of the resuscitator and accessories for correct
function should be undertaken by a responsible member of
staff on a routine basis. This check is to ensure that all of the
accessories and resuscitator components are present, the air or
oxygen cylinder is full and that the resuscitator is in working order.
Regulator working pressure, suction (if equipped), and ventilator
limiting pressures should be checked at least every six months,
and more frequently in high use applications.
Level I Preventative Maintenance should be performed annually
and a Level II Factory Preventative Maintenance Service should be
performed every 2 years.
The product is not designed for field disassembly or service
outside that indicated in this manual. Any malfunctioning units
should be returned to the manufacturer or an Authorised Dealer.
Unauthorised repairs will nullify the product’s warranty.
Units with test parameters outside of their ranges listed in the
product specifications, should not be used. Any units not meeting
performance criteria should be returned to the Manufacturer or
an authorized repair centre.