TWR-WIFI-G1011MI Lab Guide
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If you are unable to communicate wirelessly from a PC to the Tower System, try the following:
Ensure the Tower system is assembled correctly. Each tower module has a primary and
secondary card edge connector. The primary side must be connected to the Primary (or
Functional in older systems) Elevator.
With the target application running, check on the PC if the wireless network (SSID) is seen
during its scan. Try connecting and pinging ( the target tower system. If you
can’t ping the target, then it is unlikely you can run the demo. Try power cycling the TWR
board and trying the steps again.
Next Steps
For further understanding and customization of the code, review the App_startup.c and main.c files
for different features supported in the code and reading of the various sensors.
In addition, to understand all the features available on the TWR-G1500M serial to Wi-Fi firmware, and
the various AT commands supported and their usage, refer to the Serial-to-Wi-Fi Adapter Guide
available from GainSpan’s website support section.
For additional information on GainSpan products, visit GainSpan website
For additional information on Freescale products, visit Freescale website