NXP Semiconductors
LPCXpresso55S36 Development Board User Manual
Flexcomm module
Voltage translator
Connector / MCU-Link target
Bidirectional voltage translator U22
(74AVC4TD245BQ). It supports a USB-to-UART
bridge between MCU-Link and the target MCU,
by shifting voltage levels of signals between
the two devices from 3.3 V to 3.3/1.9 V and
vice versa. The USB-to-UART bridge can be
disabled (so that the target MCU USART port
can be used for other purposes) by shorting
jumper JP26.
MCU-Link target (LPC55S69). The USB-to-
UART bridge between MCU-Link and the target
MCU can be used for debugging the target
MCU from MCU-Link.
Bidirectional voltage translator U11
(74AVC4TD245BQ). It creates an external
UART connection from USART connector JP3,
by shifting voltage levels of signals between
JP3 and the target MCU from 3.3 V to 3.3/1.9
V and vice versa. Before using this connection,
short jumper JP26 to disable the USB-to-UART
bridge between MCU-Link and the target MCU.
The UART connection is disabled by default. It
can be enabled by opening jumper JP12.
USART connecter JP3. It is a 1x3 pin header
with the following pinout:
Pin 1: FC0_RXD
Pin 2: FC0_TXD
Pin 3: Ground (GND)
JP3 supports an external UART connection
using a USB-to-serial cable. It operates at 3.3 V.
To prevent the board from powering up using
the USB-to-serial cable, power on the board
before connecting the USB-to-serial cable.
Motor 2 c Arduino socket connector
J122. It allows a UART connection between the
target MCU and board/module attached to the
socket, using its pin 2 (RXD) and pin 4 (TXD).
mikroBUS socket connector J8. It allows a
UART connection between the target MCU and
click board plugged into the mikroBUS socket,
using its pin 3 (RX) and pin 4 (TX).
Table 12. LPCXpresso55S36 USART connections
2.5 I2C interface
The target MCU has an I2C module, which can be accessed using its Flexcomm
modules 0-7. In the LPCXpresso55S36 board, the I2C module is accessed using
Flexcomm modules 1, 3, and 7 of the target MCU.
The figure below shows the I2C diagram of the LPCXpresso55S36 board.
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User manual
Rev. 2 — 5 September 2022
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