NVIDIA Corporation
Quadro FX 4800/5800 and Quadro CX SDI User’s Guide
– Version 1.0
API Control
Device Configuration Structure
typedef struct tagNVGVOCONFIG
WORD cbSize; // Caller sets to sizeof(NVGVOCONFIG)
DWORD dwFields; // Caller sets to NVGVOCONFIG_* mask for fields to use
NVGVOSIGNALFORMAT signalFormat; // Signal format for video output
NVGVODATAFORMAT dataFormat; // Data format for video output
NVGVOOUTPUTREGION outputRegion; // Region for video output (Desktop mode)
NVGVOOUTPUTAREA outputArea; // Usable resolution for video output
(safe area)
NVGVOCOLORCONVERSION colorConversion; // Color conversion.
union // Gamma correction:
{ // cbSize field in gammaRamp describes type
NVGAMMARAMP8 gammaRamp8; // Gamma ramp (8-bit index, 16-bit values)
NVGAMMARAMP10 gammaRamp10; // Gamma ramp (10-bit index, 16-bit values)
} gammaCorrection;
BOOL syncEnable; // Sync enable (TRUE to use syncSource)
NVGVOSYNCSOURCE syncSource; // Sync source
NVGVOSYNCDELAY syncDelay; // Sync delay
NVGVOCOMPSYNCTYPE compositeSyncType; // Composite sync type
BOOL frameLockEnable; // Flag indicating whether framelock was on/off
double fGammaValueR; // Red Gamma value within gamma ranges. 0.5 - 6.0
double fGammaValueG; // Green Gamma value within gamma ranges. 0.5 - 6.0
double fGammaValueB; // Blue Gamma value within gamma ranges. 0.5 - 6.0
BOOL bPSFSignalFormat; // Indicates whether contained format is PSF
Signal format
BOOL bEnable422Filter; // Enables/Disables 4:2:2 filter
BOOL bCompositeTerminate; // Composite termination
BOOL bEnableDataIntegrityCheck; // Enable data integrity check: true -
enable, false - disable
BOOL bCSCOverride; // Use provided CSC color matrix to overwrite
DWORD dwFlipQueueLength; // Number of buffers used for the
internal flipqueue used in pbuffer mode
BOOL bEnableANCTimeCodeGeneration; // Enable SDI ANC time code generation
BOOL bEnableComposite; // Enable composite
BOOL bEnableAlphaKeyComposite; // Enable Alpha key composite
NVGVOCOMPOSITERANGE compRange; // Composite ranges
BYTE reservedData[256]; // Indicates last stored SDI output state