Onchip P-ATA Controller
Disabled: to disable integrated IDE controller.
Primary: to enable only the primary IDE controller.
Secondary: to enable both IDE controller.
OnChip SATA Controller
Press Enter to enable or disable OnChip SATA Controller.
SATA Mode Select
The optional settings are: SATA Mode; RAID Mode; AHCI Mode.
Hard Disk Write Protect
Disables /Enables device write protection. This will be effective only if device is accessed
through BIOS.
IDE Detect Time Out (Sec)
Select the time out value for detecting ATA/ATAPI device(s).
ATA(PI) 80 Cable Detect
Select the mechanism for detecting 80 pin ATA(PI) cable.
Onboard Device
Onboard PCI E Lan Device
Use this item to enable or disable Onboard PCI E Lan
Onboard Lan Boot ROM
This enables or disables PXE Function
This item allows you to decide to enable/disable the chipset family to support HD or
HDMI Audio. The optional settings are: Disabled; Auto; HDMI Audio; HD Audio.
Emulation Type
The optional settings are: Auto; Floppy; Forced FDD, Hard Disk; CDROM.