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Note: You will need to perform the configuration procedure or import a configuration file
before you can monitor multiple air conditioners. (See 4. Configuring the Hoffman A.C.
3.1 Controlling the Hoffman A.C. Monitor Display
When you click on the “Multiple A.C. Monitor” tab, the configuration file is read and the
corresponding air conditioners are displayed. You can click on the column headings to change the
sequence order of the air conditioners that are displayed and polled.
For example, if you added an air conditioner and want the air conditioners displayed in IP address
order, just click on the “IP Address” column header. The air conditioners will now be displayed
in increasing IP Address order. You will see an “up arrow” to the right of the “IP Address” that
indicates the increasing IP address order.
If you click on the “IP Address” column header again, the air conditioners will now be displayed
in decreasing IP Address order. You will see a “down arrow” to the right of the “IP Address” that
indicates the decreasing IP address order. The same procedure works with any column in the
Note: You can click on the “Alarm” column header to display air conditioners with a fault
condition at the top of the list.
Note: If you would like the current display order to be permanent, Click on “Tools” menu, then
“Change Multiple ACU Configuration” in the pull-down menu, and, finally, click on the “Save
Configuration File” button.