Damage caused by or resulting from improper installation
or improper use not in accordance with the directions in the
instruction manual.
Damage due to natural disasters, accidental events or
adverse conditions not compatible with the product.
Defects that have a negligible effect on product
The manufacturer, distributor and all the parties involved in the
sale do not assume any liability for losses and economic damage
from any malfunction of the product. In accordance with current
regulations the manufacturer, distributor and all the parties
involved in the sale are not responding in any case for damages,
including direct, indirect ones, loss of net income, loss of
savings and additional damage and other details consequences
going beyond the damage caused by the breach of warranty,
contract, strict liability, wrongdoing or due to other causes,
resulting from the use or inability to use the product and / or
paper and electronic documents, including the lack of service.
For further information on the help service visit the website