Network Camera User Manual
1. Enable the relevant detection as required.
Scene Change Detection
: The relevant alarms will be triggered if the scene of the monitor
video has changed.
Video Blur Detection
: The relevant alarms will be triggered if the monitor video is blurry.
Video Cast Detection
: The relevant alarms will be triggered if color cast happens to the
monitor video.
2. Set the alarm holding time and alarm trigger options. The setting steps are the same with
that of motion detection. Please refer to motion detection chapter for details.
3. Click “Save” button to save the settings.
4. Set the sensitivity of the exception detection. Click “Sensitivity” tab to go to the interface
as shown below.
Drag the slider to set the sensitivity value or directly input the sensitivity value in the textbox.
Click “Save” button to save the settings.
The sensitivity value of Scene Change Detection
: The higher the value is, the more sensitive
the system responds to the amplitude of the scene change.
The sensitivity value of Video Blur Detection
: The higher the value is, the more sensitive
the system responds to the defocus of the device image. You should just the value according
to the real situation.
The sensitivity value of Video Cast Detection
: The higher the value is, the more sensitive
the system responds to the color cast of the device image. You should also consider other