2. System Overview
Nuvation BMS™ Grid Battery Controller aggregates information in a multi-stack energy storage
system and provides a unified interface for monitoring, updating and controlling the individual
stacks and even external hardware. Each connected stack is managed by Nuvation BMS™ High-
Voltage Stack Controller or Nuvation BMS™ Low-Voltage Battery Controller.
Figure 1. Example Nuvation BMS multi-stack configuration
Depending on the system, the individual stacks will be managed by either a Nuvation High-Voltage
BMS™ or a Nuvation BMS™ Low-Voltage Battery Controller.
The Grid Battery Controller aggregates information from each of the Stack Controllers or Battery
Controllers in the system and provides a unified interface to the pack as a whole.
Installation Guide - 2018-10-08, Rev. 2.0