1. Introduction
Thank you for choosing Nuvation BMS™
Nuvation BMS™ is an enterprise-grade battery management system with features that extend
battery life, ensuring pack-level safety, data-analytics, and remote management.
The Nuvation BMS™ Grid Battery Controller aggregates information and provides a unified
interface to a large multi-stack battery system.
You can take advantage of the highly configurable browser-based user interface and custom-tune
Nuvation BMS™ Grid Battery Controller to your specific target application.
1.1. About this Guide
Installation Guide: Nuvation BMS™ Grid Battery Controller
provides instructions to connect
your Nuvation BMS™ Grid Battery Controller to your Nuvation BMS™.
Once you have successfully completed the installation process, please follow instructions in the
Operator Interface Manual (Multi-Stack) for accessing and configuring the Multi-Stack Operator
Installation Guide - 2018-10-08, Rev. 2.0