HALL REVERB 1, 2: This is a simulation of a large concert hall. Halls tend to be large rooms with lots of
reflective surfaces, where sounds can swim around, changing timbre over time. This
is a classic reverb which
sounds good on just about anything. Try it on vocals, drums,
acoustic, electric, or orchestral instruments. Set
the Blend Knob to: 60-80% WET.
ROOM REVERB 1, 2, 3: This program gives you the sound of a medium-size studio room. This algorithm
a lot of processing power for a rich sound and smooth decay. It has a punchier,
bigger sound than a hall
reverb, which makes it good for rock and dance music. The
attack is also more reflective. It sounds good on
drums, keyboards and guitars. Set the Blend Knob to: 60-80% WET.
PLATE REVERB 1, 2, 3: This is a simulation of a classic echo plate, a 4' by 8' suspended sheet of metal with
transducers at either end used to produce reverb. Popular in the 1970’s, it is still
prized for its transparent
sound, particularly on vocals and guitars. It works well for a
lush lead vocal, piano, or guitar, especially when
looking for a classic rock and roll
sound. Set the Blend Knob to: 60-80% WET.
STEREO: The stereo effect is achieved by splitting the signal into four parts with a dry
signal and a separate
detuning section for both left and right channels. The detuning
is further effected by being modulated by an
LFO (low frequency oscillator) which
causes the detuning to vary. Set the Blend Knob to: 100% WET.
FLANGER: Flanging is similar to chorusing , but modulates the delayed signal over a much
shorter delay range
(typically 0-12 ms). This produces a jet airplane-like sound. In
the case of the 200FX flanger, the signal is split
into four parts with a stereo dry
signal and a separate delay section for both left and right channels with one
flanging up while the other channel flanges down. Once again, this causes the effect
to become more
pronounced and dramatic. Set the Blend Knob to: 80-100% WET.
ECHO 1, 2: These programs provide a delay or an echo effect. This is a useful utility feature which can add
space to vocals or instruments without "muddying up" a mix. Set the Blend Knob to: 40-80% WET.
CHORUS/REVERB: This multi-effects program is a layered true stereo chorus and
room reverb. It works
great on guitars, synths and electric pianos. Set the Blend Knob to: 80-100% WET.
AUTOWAH: This program provides a guitar “wah” pedal effect. Set the Blend Knob to: 80-100% WET.
VOCAL CANCEL: Vocal processor that reduces vocals from stereo program material. Allows you to add your
own vocals to your favorite CDs, tapes, records, etc. Note: does not work on all recordings (such as mono
recordings or compressed MP3 files). Also, this effect won’t work properly when the mixer is set to MONO
mode. Set the Blend Knob to: 100% WET.
ROTARY PAN: The Rotary Pan effect emulates a rotating speaker. Set the Blend Knob to: 80-100% WET.