Rev 4 May/2020
Page 32 of 59
NuAire, Inc.
2100 Fernbrook Lane
Plymouth, MN 55447
ph: 763.553.1270
fx: 763.553.0459
tf: 800.328.3352
7.0 Care and Maintenance
All maintenance actions on this equipment must be performed by a qualified
technician who is familiar with the proper maintenance procedures required
for this equipment
The device and its accessories may be contaminated.
Apply decontamination measures required before any maintenance.
Turn off the centrifuge power switch. Ensure you lock the switch when working on the
unit, to avoid any accident from a third party.
Special care must be provided to maintain the original terms of safety and performance,
to extend the life of accessories. A visual inspection can identify any signs of wear. An
annual inspection may be requested according to relevant regulations
7.1 Care and Cleaning
7.1.1 Authorized maintenance products
Users should not use cleaning or decontamination methods different from those recommended by the
manufacturer, as they may cause damage to the unit.
The following products and materials are allowed for maintenance:
Distilled water,
70% IPA, peroxides or quaternary ammonium surface disinfectants.
Lint-free cloth
Soft non-metallic brush
Lanolin or silicone spray
Forbidden products and materials:
-containing products (Bleach, chlorides, ...)
Wire brush
7.1.2 Centrifuge
Perform regular cleaning of the following parts to prevent any risk of corrosion in case of persistent impurity, and to
ensure the hygiene of the working equipment.
External parts lid & keyboard:
Use fluids and tissues impregnated with hydro-alcoholic solution or quaternary ammonium
Check that the air vents are not obstructed.
Centrifuge chamber:
Remove the rotor before cleaning the tank.
Dry thoroughly after cleaning.
Do not use fluffy fabric.
Replace the rotor after cleaning the tank.