NTI XTENDEX 328 Foot HDMI USB KVM Extender over HDBaseT
Upgrade Procedures
Upgrade the Local Controller Firmware
The Local controller firmware comes as a file in binary format and has the extension .bin. (i.e. filename.bin). To upgrade the
Local controller to this file, follow this procedure:
1. While In the HyperTerminal window on the attached computer, press
and hold
key on the keyboard
2. Connect the power supply to power ON the Local Unit. The following message (or one similar) will be displayed on the screen:
ST-C5-USBVA Bootloader
Revision: 1.6
Date: 2010/02/19 18:59:15
Copyright (C) 2010 Network Technologies Inc
Press <H> for help…
3. Release the
prompt indicates that the bootloader is waiting for commands. The available commands are composed by sending one
ASCII character. To send a command to the bootloader, type the key in the terminal window that corresponds to the desired
command. The available commands, listed below, can be viewed by typing <
> or <
> (the Help command) from the keyboard.
Note: Commands can be typed using upper or lower case letters.
Local Bootloader List of Commands:
h, H - Display list of commands
x, X - Exit Bootloader
u, U - Upgrade Local controller firmware
p, P - Upgrade Local port controller firmware
r, R - Upgrade Remote controller firmware
s, S - Read Checksum of the Local port controller firmware
To proceed to upgrade the Local controller, press
from Terminal window. The following message should appear on the
Erasing flash memory…
Memory successfully erased
Send .bin file using Xmodem protocol..
At this point the binary file
must be sent. To do this, from HyperTerminal:
1. go to “Transfer” menu in the Menu Bar of the HyperTerminal window
2. click the item “Send File …”
3. in the dialog box which pops up on the screen, browse for the file to be sent and select it
4. select “Xmodem” from the Protocol drop-down menu
5. press “Send” button
The transmission will start shortly. Wait until the transmission is finished. There will be some pauses during transmission, since
the processor writes blocks of 4KB.
When the transmission is complete, the HyperTerminal window should show the following status message and return to the menu
Device successfully programmed!
to exit the Local Bootloader, or continue with upgrading the Local Port Controller firmware (next page).
Characters “r” and “s” from the Local
Bootloader command list are not used in this