Now that the machine is unpacked remember to
recycle all packing materials.
Inspect the machine for damage or missing
components. If damage is found, contact the local
freight company to file a freight claim.
Solution Tank
The solution tank has a capacity of
4 gal (15 L)
The amount of water in the tank is measured on the
back of the tank. The solution tank is emptied by
removing the top cap and dumping out the contents.
Always dispose of the contents in accordance to local
government regulations.
Backpack Harness
The backpack harness is attached to the top of the
solution tank. The lower ends of the straps clip onto the
metal frame between where the frame exists the
solution tank and begins to curve.
The harness belt buckle is adjustable to fit the size of
the operator.
Spraying Wand Assembly
The spraying wand assembly includes a shut-off valve,
wand assembly, and spray nozzle.
Shut-off Valve
Spray Nozzle
The battery is 24V Lithium ion battery pack. It is
designed to be used only with the battery charger
supplied with the machine. The machine is designed to
only be used with this battery.
the use of any other battery than the
Opti-Mist BB battery can result in serious harm or injury
to the operator and series damage to the machine.
Battery charger
The battery charger supplied is designed to charge the
24V Lithium ion battery for this machine only. It is
powered by 120 VAC.
Battery Charging
The battery is not fully charged when the machine
shipped. Start by charging the battery. To charge the
battery, insert the battery charger onto the battery.