Analog Inputs
Displayed for two seconds before accessing
the "Analog Inputs" screen.
This screen will be updated by the log range
and/or by the display update.
Displays the current value of the analog
channels and allows the display of the
maximum and minimum values reached by
each channel.
Line 1: Analog channel 1 value.
Line 2: Analog channel 2 value.
Line 3: Analog channel 3 value.
Key held down or long touch: Informs
the maximum value reached in each analog
Key held down or long touch: Informs
the minimum value reached in each analog
Both keys held down: Clears the
alarm statuses and the minimum and
maximum values reached by each analog
Digital Input
Pulse Count
Displayed for two seconds before accessing
the "Digital Input - Pulse Count" screen.
This screen will be updated by the logs
When enabled and configured on Pulse
Count mode, it displays the flow recorded in
the pulse count of the last record period for
the digital channel. If this option is not
configured, this screen will not be shown.
Uses the three display lines to display the
flow in the user unit with the number of
configured decimal places.
Key held down or long touch: Informs
the maximum flow reached in the pulse count
for the digital input.
Key held down or long touch: Informs
the minimum flow reached in the pulse count
for the digital input.
Both keys held down: Clears the
alarm statuses and the minimum and
maximum values reached in the pulse count
for the digital input.
Digital Input
Event Log or
Logs Control
Displayed for two seconds before accessing
the "Digital Input - Event Log or Record
Control" screen.
This screen will be updated for each event
detected at the digital input.
When enabled and configured in the "Event
Log" or "Record Control" modes, it displays
the last detected event on the digital input.
If these options are not configured, this
screen is not displayed.
Line 1: Edge detected in event: 0 – Falling
edge; 1 – Rising edge.
Line 2: Month.Day of the event.
Line 3: Hour:Minute of the event.
Key held down or long touch: No action.
Key held down or long touch: No action.
Both keys held down: No action.