Fig. 07
– Digital Input Screen: Event Log Mode
Allows you to set a name, which will be used as channel identification during a download, for the digital channel. The field accepts up to
16 characters.
Input Mode:
Allows you to select the digital input mode, which has the options "Pulse Count", "Event Log", or "Logs Control". If the "Logs
Control" mode is selected, the "By Digital Input" mode must be selected in the "Start Mode" and "End Mode" parameters in the "Data Logs"
screen. Otherwise, the configuration will have no effect.
Sensor Type:
Allows you to configure the sensor type to be connected to the digital input: PNP, NPN, or Dry Contact.
Event Edge:
Allows you to configure the desired event edge. This way, the device will log events whenever the configured edge is detected at
the digital input. In the "Event Log" mode, you can configure so that the logs are made during the Rising, Falling, or Both edges. In the "Logs
Control" mode, it is possible to select to control logs at the Rising, Falling, or Both edges, logging at logic level ‘1’ or logical level ‘0’.
It will be necessary to configure a
time for edge detection.
refers to the sensor stabilization time – the
minimum time at which the sensor must remain at the logical level of interest so that the detected edge is considered valid. The minimum
time is 50 milliseconds; the maximum are 6 seconds. The device will only register the event after the end of the
Fig. 08
– Digital Input Screen: General Configuration
Alarm Buzzer Runtime:
Allows you to set the buzzer runtime for each time the device enters an alarm situation. The configuration will be
performed in seconds, from 0 to 65000 s, where 0 means that the buzzer should not be triggered.
Power Grid Frequency:
Allows you to set the local power grid frequency (50 Hz or 60 Hz) for the device to perform better.
Digital Output Mode:
Allows you to configure the digital output mode, which can be configured as Disabled, Auxiliary Electronic Switch, or
Alarm Status.
Auxiliary Electronic Switch
: Allows you to control the power supply of external instruments during analog channel readings.
Drive Time
: Allows you to configure, in seconds, how long before each acquisition the digital output must be triggered. The minimum
configurable time is 0 seconds; the maximum time is 15 minutes (900 seconds). If equal to 0, the Auxiliary Electronic Switch will be
enabled at the exact moment of an acquisition. If greater than or equal to the lowest acquisition range, the Auxiliary Electronic Switch
will remain continuously enabled.
Alarm Status:
In this mode, the digital output will follow the current and general alarm status. If any channel is in an alarm situation, the
Digital Output will be enabled. If no channel is set to alarm, the Digital Output will be disabled.