notE on/off (notE)
The Ports, MidiChan, and Name settings are the same as for Control Change (CC) so see that section for information
on these settings.
This sets the MIDI note value that the control will transmit (range C-2 to G8). The Note setting will be displayed as
a MIDI note value by default but you can toggle the display format between note value, decimal and hexadecimal by pressing
the ENCODER ROW-SELECT button. The note value can be set using the buttons, encoder and pot in line with the Note
setting or by pressing a key on the keyboard. To enable keyboard entry of the note value either press the ROW-SELECT
BUTTON for the lower left-hand row of buttons or edit the note value using one of the buttons or encoder in line with the
setting. A flashing cursor will then appear by the note value to indicate that you can edit it using the keyboard.
This sets the velocity value sent with the note on message (range 0-127).
BtnType (Button Type):
This is exactly as described for Control Change (CC) however the ‘STEP’ option is not available.
If this is set to ‘MOMENTRY’ then the button will send a note on message when pressed and a note off message when
released. If this is set to ‘TOGGLE’ then alternate presses of the button will send note on and off messages.
The Ports, MidiChan and Name settings are the same as for Control Change (CC) so see that section for information
on these settings.
This determines the format of the bank change message that is sent. CC numbers 0 and 32 are reserved for
bank selection in the MIDI Specification. CC0 messages are used for coarse bank selection (Bank MSB) and CC32 for fine
bank selection (Bank LSB). As an example, a synth may accept CC0 messages to select different categories of sounds e.g.
keyboard instruments and then CC32 to select different sub-categories e.g. acoustic piano. Some synths however do not
respond to CC0 messages and some do not respond to CC32 messages. You should check the manual for the synth to
which you are sending the bank change message to find out what the required format for bank change messages is and
then set BankMode accordingly to one of the following options:
A single CC32 message is sent whose value is determined by the Banklsb setting (see below).
A single CC0 message is sent whose value is determined by the Bankmsb setting (see below).
A CC0 message followed by a CC32 message is sent. The values are determined by the Bankmsb and Banklsb
settings (see below).
This determines the bank least significant byte value i.e. the value of the CC32 message.
This determines the bank most significant byte value i.e. the value of the CC0 message.
The Ports, MidiChan, BtnType and Name settings are the same as for Control Change (CC) so see that section for
information on these settings. Also, Bank messages how now been included also (see above).
LowProg and HighProg:
These are like the Low Value and High Value settings but instead they define the Low and High
Program Change number. They should be set in conjunction with the BtnType setting as described in the Control Change
(CC) section. This way you can use a button to select a single program/patch, toggle between two different programs/
patches or step through a whole bank of programs/patches on repeated presses. Note that the ‘VELOCITY’ option for
drum pads is not available if Control is set to ‘PROG CHG’.