PowerPak II Enclosure
GPS/GLONASS Receiver User Manual Rev 1
The EXTERNALCLOCK FREQUENCY command sets the GPSCard to accept either 5 MHz or 10MHz external
oscillator frequency.
For more information on the EXTERNALCLOCK command refer to the MiLLennium Command Descriptions
F.4.1.1 Connection to an External Oscillator
To connect the external oscillator to the MiLLennium-GLONASS GPSCard simply connect the cable from the
external oscillator to connector P301 (see Figure 3.1, Page 17) on the MiLLennium-GLONASS GPSCard. The
MiLLennium-GLONASS GPSCard does not have to be powered down during this procedure. If handling the
MiLLennium-GLONASS GPSCard directly, anti-static practices must be observed; please see Appendix A, Page
47 for details.
To connect an external oscillator to a PowerPak II, connect the coaxial cable from the external oscillator output
port to the Ext. Osc. input port (SMB male jack) on the front panel of the PowerPak II.
For optimal results, power down the PowerPak II before connecting or disconnecting the external
Once the external oscillator has been installed, you must issue the EXTERNALCLOCK command to define the
clock frequency (e.g. cesium, rubidium, or ovenized crystal).
If the input clock rate is 5 MHz, the EXTERNALCLOCK FREQUENCY command must also be issued
to change the 10 MHz default setting.
After the EXTERNALCLOCK FREQUENCY command is issued, the VCTCXO attempts to lock onto this low-
phase-noise reference frequency. The synthesizer’s lock is software-configurable provided that the frequency of
the external clock is either 5 or 10 MHz.
The EXTERNALCLOCK DISABLE command will return internal VCTCXO operation to normal. The
EXTERNALCLOCK command can also be used to optimize the MiLLennium’s clock model. Refer to the
MiLLennium Command Descriptions Manual for further details on these commands.
External Oscillator Frequency
5 MHz
10 MHz