Copyright © 2014
Ikhwezi Solar (Pty) Ltd, Novatherm CC, Solar Assist (Pty) Ltd
System commissioning
Commissioning direct systems
Make sure that the solar radiation is low during
filling. In strong radiation it is possible for steam to
form in the collector. Keep the collector covered
throughout installation and commissioning.
Do not turn on the electric backup until the tank
has been filled with water.
Turn on at least one hot water outlet tap and open
the mains water supply to allow the water to fill the
tank and collector, expelling air from the tank. As
soon as water flows freely, without air sputter,
close the tap and allow the cylinder to pressurise.
Check all piping, joints and fittings for water leaks.
Check pressure relief valves to ensure correct
Turn on the electric backup element. Make sure the
tank is completely filled before turning on the
element. Ensure power is available to the backup
Ensure the time clock has been correctly set.
Installation checklist
The following checklist should be observed by the
installer before handing the system over to the
All air bled from taps
System checked for water leaks
Cold and hot water pipes checked for leaks
Roof tiles back in position
Roof flashing watertight
Drain pipes free of obstruction
Pipework insulated
Electrical element, timer switch, isolator and
thermostat, controller and pump checked
Any protective plastic or packaging stickers
removed from tanks and/or collectors
Owner instructed on use