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Mole LRL 3000D operating manual
emit an electromagnetic field that spreads in all directions. It is the strongest
where the electrical resistance is the least. The field is distributed to the ground
by the soil moisture in a vertical and horizontal direction. As the distance
increases, the tension of the field decreases. If there is a metal in the area of the
detection, the product receives information, i.e. it traces and registers resonance
This resonance is between the probes and the object. After that, there is no line
to be registered, although the field goes further. If the soil is dry or rocky, the
currents flow along a curve and follow the moist soil. The most important thing
for the range of the detector is the size of the object. Large objects are detected
at a great distance, while small ones, like a bracelet or a coin - within 40-50
meters. Another important factor is the period the object spent underground and
the soil’s chemical composition. The longer the object has been underground,
the more metal ions have formed around it. The ions are formed from the
electrolytes in the soil. They locate around the object and make it larger and
easier to detect. Old objects that have stayed hundreds of years underground are
easier to discover than objects that have been buried underground for 2-3 years.
The other factor is the type of metal. The easier it is to get corrosion, the easier it
is to be detected. Iron is the most easily found metal because it gets corrosion
faster. Copper and copper alloys, bronze and brass, silver, etc. are easy to find
as well. Gold is the hardest metal to find because it has little chemical activity,
and that’s why the ions around the gold objects are few. Besides, gold is one of
the heaviest metals. For example, 5 kg of gold can be taken in a palm. Its small
and low chemical activity makes it hard to find. For instance, one litre of melted
gold is about 19 kg. The interesting thing about
LRL 3000D
is the way it registers
objects. The operator holds metal baguettes in their hands which move very