Important Notes
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• It is dangerous for patients to perform self-evaluation and self-treatment based on
measuring results. Be sure to consult with and follow doctor’s instructions. A self-
evaluation may cause deterioration of illness.
• Affer physical exercise, bathing or eating, wait 30 minutes before taking a
temperature reading.
• For greater accuracy wait at least 2 minutes between readings.
• When pointed toward a hot object, the thermometer detects the temperature
remotely. To prevent incorrect readings, position the thermometer as soon as the
“READY” message appears.
• Avoid direct sunlight, other sources of heat and direct air conditioning as they can
affect the forehead during the temperature reading, modifying the result.
• If the light ray is no longer visible, replace the 2 x AAA batteries.
• Never expose the thermometer to extreme temperatures, dust or abrupt
• Never let the thermometer get wet.
• Never use the thermometer on irritated skin or when the forehead presents other
• Never use the thermometer when the forehead is particularly sweaty, the reading
will not be reliable.