Dear user,
Thank you for purchasing the No Touch Thermometer . This thermometer was
designed by an experienced group of engineers and was produced in conformance
to all the requirements of international standard of ISO 13485:2003 (Medical devices -
Quality management systems) and FDA ASTM standards. The thermometer measures
the infrared heat emitted from the forehead surface and converts these measurements
into an oral equivalent temperature and shows a very stable and reliable reading.
Body Temperature
Like blood pressure, body temperature is a fluctuating range, not a stable value.
Every person has their own individual body temperature range, which can fluctuate
during the course of the day from 35.5°C to 37.8°C. Body temperature can vary
according to age, gender, time of day, activity and emotion. For example, a child’s
body temperature is usually 0.5°C higher than an adult’s body temperature. In order
to understand you and your family’s normal body temperature range, measure the
temperature at different times of day over 3 to 4 days when your general health is
stable and there is no fever. Record the results for future comparisons in case of
- 3 -
1. Probe
2. Memory Button
3. Display
4. Protective Cover Switch
5. Measurement Button
6. Battery Cover