Programming Options
Programmable Features Description
FCPS-24S PN 51977:C1 08/06/03
3.2.5 Charger Enable/Disable
The FCPS-24S battery charger can be disabled to accommodate an external battery
charger. Setting DIP switch 7 to the default setting of OFF will enable the battery
charger. Setting DIP switch 7 to the ON position will disable the charger. It should
only be disabled if an external battery charger is being used for the FCPS-24S.
3.2.6 Door Closers
Output Circuit #4 can be configured as an NAC or door closer circuit. Setting DIP
switch 8 to the OFF position will configure Output Circuit #4 as an NAC. Setting DIP
switch 8 to the ON position will configure only Output Circuit #4 as a door closer
circuit which will provide a steady 24 VDC to door holders until an alarm or AC fail
condition removes the power following a 60 second delay.