AFP-3030 Operations Manual —
P/N DOC-01-033:C 05/12/2018
Operation of Special System Timers, and Output Delay Time
Operation of the Control Panel
Silence Inhibit Timer
This timer disables the SIGNAL RESOUND ALARM and RESET key function for the programmed time (MM:SS seconds) when a fire
alarm occurs. A Silence Inhibit Timer starts at the first fire alarm. A panel reset is required to re-enable this timer. It can be set with a
value from 0 (the timer is disabled) to 5 minutes.
Auto Silence Timer
This timer functions like pressing the SIGNAL RESOUND ALARM key. When the Auto Silence Timer reaches its programmed value
(0, 10 minutes, 15 or 20 minutes, with the setting = 20 for Canadian installations), the control panel automatically shuts off all active out-
puts programmed as silenceable.
2.13.2 Output Delay Time
Output Delay Time is a feature that initially delays activation of outputs with ZF0 in their zone map until the Output Delay Timer has
expired. This feature allows for the initial sounding of outputs only in specific areas, monitored by qualified personnel. To participate in
Output Delay Time, inputs and outputs must include Special Zone ZF0 in their zone map. The Output delay Timer is programmed to a
value from 60 to 180 seconds.
How the Panel Indicates a Output Delay
When an initiating device participating in Output Delay goes into alarm, the panel LCD displays a fire alarm message. (Refer to
Section 2.2, “Fire Alarm Event”, on page 17.) If a second alarm occurs while the Output Delay timer is counting down, the control panel
aborts the Output Delay timer countdown and activates all programmed outputs. The fire alarm LED flashes and the panel sounder
pulses a steady tone. The control panel latches until the alarm is corrected and the
key is pressed to reset the panel.
How to Respond to a Output Delay Alarm
Once the Output Delay timer has begun counting down, the operator has the duration of the countdown time to respond to the alarm
before the control panel automatically activates all outputs with ZF0 in their zone map and CBE linkage to the alarm. The operator can
reset the panel if the alarm is determined false.